Our Mission

To educate the public about the importance of the honeybee to agriculture and life in general, to promote the benefits of eating locally produced honey, and to provide current information necessary to manage a colony of honeybees on a continuing basis.


Regina Andrew


Meet Regina Andrew, the first woman to be elected President of the Central Maryland Beekeepers Association (CMBA) since its founding in 1973. Having previously served as CMBA’s Librarian, Regina assumed her new position as President on January 1, 2023. Regina is excited to bring her passion and enthusiasm for honey bees to this important role.

Regina started beekeeping upon her retirement as an attorney with the federal government. Since that time, she has enthusiastically participated in the beekeeper community. Not only has she been a member and board member of CMBA, she is also Second Vice President of the Maryland State Beekeepers Association, whose meetings she regularly attends. She also has been an attendee at the Eastern Apicultural Society Annual Conference.

However, her strongest connection with honey bees is attending to her hives on her small farm in Northern Baltimore County where she resides with her husband and two dogs.


Nate Anderson


I’m a second year urban beekeeper in Blatimore, and am making it through my first winter with all 8 of my hives alive and healthy! I joined the CMBA’s board last year after taking the short course and coming out with a growing passion for the hobby.


Jean Hessenauer


Jean, a long-term career law librarian, has been engaged in backyard beekeeping for five years. She enjoys tending to her honey bees, horses, cats, and dog, and volunteers in her local community, participating in many varied agricultural venues and events.

Jean stepped-up to the treasurer position in January 2024 and has dedicated countless hours to keeping CMBA on financial track.

Chairwoman | Membership Committee

Cindy Landefeld


Cindy Landefeld is an enthusiastic beekeeper who lives in Baltimore County. She has a passion for apis mellifera and is a proud member of the Central Maryland Beekeepers Association (CMBA).

The CMBA is a 501(c)(3) educational tax-exempt organization, and accepts tax-deductible donations.